„Reshapes“ von Pierre Vaultier
Hypnotisches Snowboarden in Dauerschleife Serre Chevalier, Frankreich
Der ehemalige französische Snowboard Weltmeister und Olympiasieger übertrifft sich in seinem neuen verblüffenden Video selbst.
Wie das gehen soll, wenn man mit „Shapes“ 2019 einen Viralhit landet und Millionen Zuschauer erreicht?
Das weiß Pierre Vaultier, für ihn gibt es nur eine Option: den Kurs umzuformen, zu optimieren, zu reshapen.
Drei Jahre später kehrt er also nach Serre Chevalier zurück, um das Kunststück nach langer Verletzungspause zu wiederholen und es mit einem optimal geshapten Schnee Pump Track aufzunehmen, der es richtig in sich hat, ganz nach dem Motto: besser, weiter, höher und schneller.

Here is everything there is to know about ‘Reshapes’:
• The supporting 25-minute documentary is available for free on Red Bull TV from March 04, 2022.
• The 300-metre line consists of eight man-made shapes and a total of 14 segments.
• It took 14 days of work at 2,400m altitude to bash and sculpture 1500 cubic meters of snow into the shapes. This was supported by Prada Linea Rossa.
• In the documentary, Vaultier reveals the concept behind the route, the realization of this technical and human performance, and looks back on his comeback to the highest level after having to retire through injury.
• Vaultier said: „It was a huge challenge, we had no certainty that it would work. The jumps had to be ultra-precise and meticulous. The landings were really perilous in certain sections as they were built on the side of a cliff. I had absolutely no opportunity to make mistakes as there was no room to deviate or even to brake. From the moment I stepped into the line, I had to go all the way.”
• Alpina Watches timed the 34-year-old completing the hypnotic course in exactly 30-seconds.
• The 2017 world champion is one of the greatest snow cross riders of all time with two Olympic gold medals and six Crystal Globes to his name. Vaultier was forced into retirement in December 2020 though due to a persistent right knee injury. He underwent full knee replacement surgery and spent 18 months on crutches.
• He said: „I was without being able to use my knee for daily life so it’s reassuring I’ve come back to the highest level. Reshapes is not just this new line, it’s above all the story of the long road I travelled to get back here.“
Video hier: (182) Snowboarding The PERFECT Snow Pump Track – YouTube